USB Block 1.5.5 ( 11MB )

Posted by Black Magic | Posted in , , | Posted on 10:42 PM

မိမိကြန္ျပဴတာထဲမွာရွိေနတဲ့ Data ေတြကို သူမ်ားခိုးမွာပူစရာမလိုေတာ့ပါဘူး။ USB Drives, External Drives, CDs/DVDs စသည္တို႔အျပင္ မိမိကြန္ျပဴတာထဲမွာရွိသမွ် System ေတြအကုန္လံုးကို Password ေပးျပီး

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USB Block helps you prevent copy of your data to USB drives and CDs/DVDs that do not belong to you. It is a permission based software, once installed, the program asks you to set and confirm a password which it uses to allow access to your own USB drives, External drives, CDs, DVDs etc., while blocking every other drive. This prevents illegal copy, leakage and duplication of your private files and folders.

USB Block also prevents spread of viruses and malware by not letting malicious USB Drives, CDs and DVDs access your PC without your permission (password). The program also blocks unauthorized network computers & non-system drives, keeping malicious activity as far away from your computers as possible. If you use your computer at home or have several PCs in your office, installing USB Block on every computer is your ticket to safe computing.

USB Block prompts for a password every time an external device is plugged into your PC. If you enter the correct password, the program allows full access to that drive, however if you deny access, no file can be copied or leaked from your PC to that drive. The program also maintains a list of authorized devices for you so that you won't be prompted for the password next time. This way, you can allow access and transfer data to your own drives while continue to block others.

USB Block is unique because it blocks all drives, devices, ports and slots from which data can be leaked. The program blocks devices even in Safe Mode, making it impossible for hackers to copy data from your computer. Furthermore, the Program Files folder of USB Block and all the files contained in it are delete proof i.e., no one can delete and uninstall the program without your permission (password).

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